
A Powerful Regenerative Wound Matrix

Dermacyte® products are derived from human postpartum amniotic tissues that have been processed to retain native extracellular matrix cytokines, growth factors, and collagen to support tissue remolding, improving patient outcomes and treatment comfort.

Easy to Use

Ready for Application

  • Dehydrated for easy application with no refrigeration
  • No preparation time required for thawing or soaking—reducing operative time

Easy to Handle

  • Conforms to wound bed and naturally hydrates in place
  • Superior handling and optimal bioabsorption properties

How Will My Doctor Apply BIOVANCE?

Improved Patient Experience

Use as protective wound barrier to provide an antimicrobial, growth factor rich healing environment

Promotes native tissue repair by minimizing fibrosis, reducing inflammation, and maximizing patient comfort

Simple Wound Monitoring

Routine dressing changes, wound cleansing, and Dermacyte® reapplication allows for easy assessment of wound closure.

Dermacyte®–A Unique Bioactive Wound Covering

The special structure and biological viability of amniotic membrane is ideal in tissue engineering. The extracellular matrix components of the basement membrane creates a natural scaffold for cell attachment.1

Amniotic tissue is rich in cytokines, growth factors, and stem cells that play a role in improved healing and regeneration and decreased immunogenicity.2

Sufficient cues to allow for cell attachment and proliferation are properties of dehydrated amnion. Soluble factors secreted by human dermal fibroblasts cultured on amnion enhanced both endothelial cell and keratinocyte survival and endothelial cell migration in a wound closure assay.3


Committed to Patient Safety

  • All tissues are recovered and processed by a U.S. FDA registered and AATB accredited tissue bank
  • A Licensed Medical Director confirms product eligibility through donor screening and testing records, and final culturing and sterility testing is confirmed prior to lot release

Patient Selection

Optimal Patient Profile

  • A single, full-thickness foot and/or leg wound
    - Diabetic, pressure, arterial, or venous2
  • Unresponsive to other therapies (e.g. periodic debridement, moistdressings, antibiotics, hyperbaric oxygen, glycemic control)2, 3
  • No clinical signs of infection, although the anti-microbial properties of amnion have been shown to reduce infection2, 3
  • Wound duration 1 to 12 months2, 3
  • Typical wound size: >1 sq. cm and <25 sq. cm.2, 3
    - Wound size is measured by multiplying wound length by width2, 3

Patient Assessment

Patient Evaluation

  • Consider weekly evaluation of patient until 1 week after complete healing
  • Patient education and support for best at-home wound care practices (e.g. offloading and dressing changes)
  • Wound measurement evaluations should include: Length, Width, and Dept
    - Use of photographic evaluation1 recommended
  • The mean interval to healing after first application of the amnionallo graft is 2.6 months2

Implant Tracking

Tissue Utilization Record

  • Applicable regulations require implant reconciliation with recipient patient
  • Consult your local representative to ensure each usage of Dermacyte is documented or traceability

Patient Treatment

Caring for the Wound

  • Initiate treatment on same day as surgical debridement2
  • The allograft should be applied in a manner to prevent displacement1
  • 3-layer wound dressing after amnion placement:3
  • Replace Dermacyte Matrix every 7-14 days2 until wound closure
    - Consider debridement if eschar is present over wound
  • Change dressing weekly and cleanse wound with sterile normal saline
    (rinse, swab, or irrigate)3
  • Dressing can be changed more frequently as needed – BE CAREFUL NOT TO DISTURBAMNION – leave non-adherent dressing in place
  • Consider glycemic control, wound off-loading, edema control2,3
